Nov 30, 2016

Room Divider Survey

Hi There,

I'm conducting a brief (6 question) survey to get some feedback on a room divider that I'm currently developing.  Please take a minute to provide some feedback by end of day Wednesday, 11/30.  All responses are anonymous, so please be as honest and possible.

Thank you

Nov 20, 2016

Elix Rings

Here's the final iteration of my #therapy #rings. On the go tools for #acupressure, #dienchan and #massage, that are designed to target #stress, #anxiety and #headache relief, among other things.

Form over Function...

Design education places a lot of emphasis on meaning and concept. I have great appreciation for nonsense and find myself at odds with the idea that "#gooddesign" must have a strong concept in order to be valid. Where am I going with this?...not sure. Currently designing a family of #rings for an #acupressure/sensory exploration project. These prototypes didn't quite work with the concept, and so didn't make the cut, but I really like them. They make no sense, but visually I think they're pretty #badass. Could potentially spawn another project. #Jewelry #hardware. Who cares if form doesn't follow function.